How to process a file

  1. Log into using your Aquarius account

2. Here you can choose your task, click on “Create New Task” to start configuring it ( LAVA microphone processing is available at the moment – more processors are coming soon ):

3. Here you can drag and drop your audio files in the “Drag and Drop your files here”

4. Once you drop a file a tile will appear where you can select the microphone the track was recorded with a) and the microphone you want the track to sound like b) . You can play/pause the track c) and in case you have dragged and dropped multiple tracks you can copy the microphone configuration to the other tracks with d)

5. Once you have configured the task to your needs you can start processing it clicking “Process” up above

6. You will be asked to give your task a name and then you can start processing

7. You can monitor the task’s progress in the “Task History” section

8. Once a task is completed you will be able to download an archive with the processed files from the task history section and you will also receive an email with a 48h link to download the files. You can disable email notifications from the user settings window